Stephen is a full-time insight meditation teacher and founder of the MIDL Insight Meditation System. MIDL is a systematic way of practicing traditional Buddhist Insight Meditation by following the middle (MIDL) way in daily life.
Stephen began meditating at the age of 12 and by 29 was a live-in manager with his wife Linda at Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre west of Sydney. He has studied the tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw intensively under the guidance of Sayadaw U Kundala, John Hale and Patrick Kearney.
After years of intensive meditation and 12 years of self-study in an abusive workplace, Stephen developed the MIDL Meditation System, a method of Buddhist insight meditation designed for practitioners living a modern household life. Stephen, now 58, lives with his wife Linda near Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia.
Monica is a full-time public school art teacher passionate about practicing insight meditation in her daily life and wishes to use her teaching skills and personal meditative experience to help others experience freedom and peace.
Monica began practicing in the MIDL Meditation System under the guidance of Stephen in August 2021. MIDL inspired her with its potential to practice samatha (calm abiding) meditation in a clear and precise way while living a busy lay life.
Through her practice, the intimate relationship between samatha and vipassana (insight in reality) was revealed. Monica has 15 years of experience in meditation understands that awakening is an accessible reality for those that are ready to directly investigate their own experience."
Deb is a business owner, wife, and mother who understands the need to meditate while raising a family. She began meditating in MIDL over eight years ago to help her settle down what she calls an extremely overly energetic mind.
Her children were 16 and 14, and she had successfully run her salon for 19 years. Her family had always been active in sports, business, activities, etc., and at this time her life was pretty crazy. Deb shares that there were parts of this life she loved, but mostly, her heart felt empty.
With daily practice of relaxing and letting go, Deb began to understand the drive within herself that led to this feeling of emptiness and developed a sense of peace and joyful presence that is well known in the MIDL community.
Criteria for teaching in MIDL is not based on studying books or paying for a training course and certificate but rather on your own honest engagement and development of skill in the framework of the MIDL Meditation System.
You are welcome to integrate meditation methods you learn in the MIDL Meditation System into other meditation methods/systems for teaching purposes.
Your study will be supported in learning MIDL techniques by attending weekly online meditation classes, Teacher Training Workshops (Register your interest) and self-study through actively engaging with MIDL.
listed in this website are meditators who are devoted to MIDL, have reached the levels of skill in their own practice following the MIDL model, and intend to teach MIDL exclusively without integrating other methods.
These accredited teachers are advertised on the MIDL website and a trusted part of the face of MIDL throughout the world. They have access to free private interviews with Stephen Procter and exclusive teacher training workshops to refine their understanding of the structure and functioning of MIDL.
Skill in teaching MIDL is developed by engaging and practicing the system following the Online Insight Meditation Course, engaging in the weekly online meditation classes which contain free-flowing discussion, the MIDL Reddit community and through Private Sessions if these are suitable.
There are no criteria or lessons for this other than experiencing MIDL for yourself, and interaction and sharing with the MIDL community.
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