Your Goal: Mastery of the first four jhana to establish equanimity.
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Back: Meditation Skill 12: Access Concentration.
Next: Meditation Skill 17: Sotapanna: Stream Entry.
“Secluded from the desire for sensory experience, secluded from unwholesome qualities, a meditator enters and dwells within the first jhana, with applied and sustained attention, blissful feelings in body & mind, and joyful happiness born of seclusion.” The Buddha MN119
Reference for First Pleasure Jhana.
“Secluded from the desire for sensory experience, secluded from unwholesome qualities, a meditator enters and dwells within the first jhana, with applied and sustained attention, blissful feelings in body & mind, and joyful happiness born of seclusion.”
“They permeate and pervade, saturate and fill their body with blissful feelings and joyful happiness born of seclusion. Just as a skilled bath attendant or their apprentice would pour bath powder into a brass basin and knead it together, again and again, so that their ball of bath powder is saturated and permeated within and without.”
"Similarly, a meditator permeates and pervades, saturates and fills their body with blissful feelings and joyful happiness born of seclusion, so that there is no part of their entire body that is unpervaded by blissful feeling & joyful happiness.”
“And as they remain heedful, ardent, and resolute, memories and resolves related to the household life are abandoned, and with their abandoning, their mind gathers and settles inwardly, grows unified and collected.” The Buddha Kaya-Gata Sati Sutta MN 119
Your meditation remains the same as Experiential Marker 12, except you now develop intimacy with the pleasantness of the piti sensation within your body until your awareness flows with & merges into it to enter the first jhana.
Meditation Instructions.
Step 1: Develop access concentration on piti as in Marker 12.
New Addition:
Step 2: Awareness rests on pleasant feeling.
Step 3: Absorb into pleasantness.
Step 4: Immersion: First Pleasure Jhana.
Step 5: Pervade your body and mind with piti.
Step 1: Develop access concentration.
As in Meditation Skill 12, continue to increase your intimacy with the pleasurable sensation of the piti, allow awareness to experience it from within and do this until peripheral awareness enters into an autonomous flow with the pleasantness of the experience. Once awareness of the piti is unified and stable for some time, without any effort or distraction, free from all Meditative Hindrances, you are said to have developed access concentration (upacara samadhi).
Once Meditative Hindrances 01-12 are calmed and your mind is secluded from sensory stimulation, a pleasurable feeling of piti will be experienced as a pleasant tingling feeling within your body. This may arise around your face, chest or hands. It will be accompanied by sukha, as a joyful, happy, peaceful state of mind. Though both are present, during access concentration, piti sensation is dominant to sukha feeling.
The piti may be a light tingling feeling pleasant feeling, or a flow of pleasure in your body. Take your time allowing attention to stabilise, and the pleasant sensation of piti to establish. When you begin learning to do this, it may take up to 15 minutes before the piti feeling stabilises, or maybe the next 15 meditation sessions.
Regardless, time is not really the issue, enjoy your seclusion from the stimulation of the senses, your vacation from the drama of having to act, to do. It can be helpful to subtly relax your forehead and eyelids and make genuine smile with your eyes at this stage. The type that you would offer to someone you really care about, smiling with your heart, into the pleasant feeling. As the pleasant feeling grows, relax, and become sensitive to any desire to do, to achieve, to be or experience anything.
Step 2: Switch to the pleasurable feeling.
Once the pleasant feeling has become stable, as mentioned before this may arise around your face, chest or hands, gently bring your attention to the clearest point of piti sensation and rest it on it. Focus on its pleasantness, rather than the sensate quality itself, and allow your attention to become stable and firm. Allow your awareness to become immersed in the pleasantness of the experience, for it to fill your awareness.
I am sorry to shout, but this is the important part - no doing. At first nothing may happen to the pleasant feeling, maybe nothing will happen during the rest of your meditation session. And this doesn't matter. Any anticipation at this stage will cause the whole thing to collapse. Remember, anticipation of what may happen is one of five hindrances arising. Access concentration is unified, stable attention, free from the five hindrances, so if anticipation in regard to what may or may not happen arises, then it is already too late, access concentration has collapsed. As a tip, I find it useful to relax my eyelids, allowing them to droop like I am falling asleep. You can try this now, the very act of relaxing your eyelids calms all mind activity, calms the desire to do, achieve, have.
Step 3: Absorb into pleasantness.
It is the pleasantness of the sensation that the mind absorbs into. The mind has been wired through survival to have empathy, and it is this empathy that allows it to incline towards and absorb into pleasant feeling. You can see this happening when you observe a beautiful view, or the happiness that you feel observing a child enjoying them self. So, at this stage you just allow your mind to rest in and absorb the pleasantness of the sensations.
At some stage, when the conditions are right, the pleasantness starts to enter the mind through this empathy. Taking in the pleasantness like you would take in a beautiful view. Simply let the pleasant feeling fill your mind. Your mind will take in pleasantness by itself, filling all parts of it. And since the mind also creates pleasant feeling when it is happy, it will start to produce more pleasant feeling in your body, to reflect its own happiness. This will start to create a feedback loop of pleasant feeling, between your body and mind. Because your body mirrors your state of mind, and your mind reacts to your body, the feeling of pleasantness feeding each, will start to grow in strength and clarity.
Watch out for anticipation & fear.
At this stage be careful that the last two of the meditative hindrances:
Not that you are doing these hindrances, you aren't, they are simply reflex reactions that arise within the mind in relationship to pleasure, and control. These reactions of the mind, will 'bounce' your attention out of access concentration, bringing you back to square one again. If this happens it is important to remember that it is ok, it is part of the path of learning to let go of control. You simply need to be exposed to these to experiences again and again, before you lose interest in them. "Experienced this before, no big deal, not interested."
This is just the same as your first intimate date as a teenager, where you may have been over-excited about what is about to come, but now that you are older, and have been exposed to intimacy many times, the excitement has waned. In the same way through repeated exposure to the experience of piti-sukha, and to not being in control, you will see its grossness, and your interest will fade.
Step 4: When First Pleasure Jhana arises.
When the conditions are right, the wholesome-pleasant feeling of piti will gradually grow and flow through your mind and body, filling your awareness. When mature, your awareness will autonomously absorb and flow with this experience. When this occurs, your awareness has shifted the sensory world to the first pleasure jhana. You may experience this shift as your awareness ‘sinks into’ the flow of the pleasantness of the piti or as the flow of pleasantness expanding outwards and surrounding your awareness. Regardless of how you experience the moment of absorption, it will be clear that it is an autonomous experience that is happening by itself, and that a definite shift in consciousness has occurred.
Once the pleasantness of piti has been absorbed into awareness, it will become your main experience. In the background to the bliss of piti, the content, joyful happiness of sukha, as your mind enjoys the piti will bring a smile to your face. This autonomous application may cause your attention to bounce out of the absorption and to take a habitual object like thinking, doubt or effort. When this occurs, it is a sign that the tranquility in your samadhi is not developed enough. You need to return to developing calm and contentment as part of your meditative attention so that access concentration, the experience of sukha as content, joyful happiness is stronger than the pleasurable experience of piti.
As the first pleasure jhana deepens, the applicational ‘bounce’ of vitakka will gradually calm, and the subtle restlessness of the piti will settle down. The experience of piti will gradually become more refined, stable, steady and unmoving, and the quality of sukha will shift from the background to the foreground of your awareness as the conditions for the second pleasure jhana develops.
Step 5: Pervade your body and mind with piti.
Progression Map for Mindfulness of Breathing.
Once you become skilled at developing access concentration in Marker 12: Access Concentration, you no longer need to establish Markers 07-09 in mindfulness of breathing. The purpose of Markers 07-09, is to stabilise your attention on breath sensation to withdraw your attention from sensory stimulation and mind wandering. When you sit for meditation you can now transition from the whole length of each breath to the experience of your whole body breathing.
Progression Map for Mindfulness of Breathing
Meditative Hindrances. Meditation Markers.
01: Body Relaxation.
02: Mind Relaxation.
03: Mindful Presence.
04: Content Happiness.
05: Natural Breathing.
06: Length of Each Breath.
*** Markers 07-09: no longer needed. ***
10: Whole-Body Breathing.
11: Sustained Awareness.
12: Access Concentration.
13: Unstable Unification. → 13: First Pleasure Jhana.
14: Enchantment with Piti. 14: Second Pleasure Jhana.
15: Enchantment with Sukha 15: Third Pleasure Jhana.
16: Enchantment with Happiness 16: Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
Progression Map for the First Pleasure Jhana.
As with the development of access concentration, jhana is a process of shedding/dropping away by training your mind to let go of different aspects of experience and experiencing.
Access concentration is also developed by observing, calming and abandoning:
Factors of the First Pleasure Jhana.
For some meditators, this may become very intense and uncomfortable, as the increase of the flow of piti (as energy) through the body and mind, becomes too strong. With intense energy flows through the spine, body and mind, it can be uncomfortable. I have always had a highly energic mind, while I get physically tired, my mind is usually energic and interested in things.
When I first experienced this piti back-feeding loop, it was very intense like someone turning a garden hose on full, making my mind and body shake. If piti is too strong, it can sometimes even bounce you out of access concentration, due to the intensity and excitement. The main cause of this is that the Enlightenment Factors of Meditative Joy and Tranquility were not stable enough for jhana.
Meditative Joy & Tranquility
It is important to note that jhana can be accessed through efforting the stability of attention on your meditation object thereby temporarily blocking out both sensoury input and the meditative hindrances. This will produce unification and strong piti-sukha because of seclusion. However, it is not samma-samadhi (right unification) because samadhi was not accessed by and does not contain the Enlightenment Factors of Meditative Joy & Tranquility.
If you find piti is too strong
If you find that when your mind turns towards First Jhana that piti is too strong, there are a couple of techniques that are helpful for calming it.
This attention shift will withdraw some of the energetic quality from the piti. With regular exposure to piti the excitement that arises will gradually subside, in conjunction with you losing interest in it, and the flowing body sensations will settle down into a pleasurable experience.
You are ready to progress to the Meditation Skill 14: Second Pleasure Jhana when you:
Tip: Once you have reached access concentration, learn to bring the joyful happiness of sukha to the foreground of your awareness and relax your interest in the pleasant feeling of piti so that it rests in the background peripheral awareness. This is done in the same way that you allow loud music at a party to fade into the background of your awareness so that it doesn't disturb your conversation with someone you really like. This shifting of experiences from the foreground to background awareness withdraws some of the energetic quality from the piti for the focus of the mind, replacing it with the subtler experiences of tranquility and sukha.
“With the calming of applied & sustained attention, the meditator enters & dwells within the second jhana, with inner calming & unification of mind, free from thinking & reflection, and filled with blissful feelings in body & mind and joyful happiness born of unification.” MN119 The Buddha
Reference for Second Pleasure Jhana.
“Furthermore, with the calming of applied & sustained attention, the meditator enters & dwells within the second jhana, with inner calming & unification of mind, free from thinking & reflection, and filled with blissful feelings in body & mind and joyful happiness born of unification.”
“They permeate & pervade, saturate & fill their body with blissful feelings and joyful happiness born of unification.” “Just like a lake that has a cool spring bubbling up from within, with no water flowing in from the east, west, north, or south, and it would not be resupplied time to time with showers of rain, so that the cool spring within the lake would permeate & pervade, saturate & fill it so that no part of the lake was unpervaded by its cool waters.”
“Similarly, a meditator permeates & pervades, saturates & fills their body with blissful feelings and joyful happiness born of unification, so that there is no part of their entire body that is unpervaded by blissful feelings & joyful happiness.”
“As they remain heedful, ardent, and resolute, memories and resolves related to the household life are abandoned, and with their abandoning, their mind gathers and settles inwardly, growing unified and collected.” The Buddha Kaya-Gata Sati Sutta MN 119
Your meditation remains the same as Meditation Skill 13, except you now calm the experience of piti, and develop intimacy with the joyful happiness of sukha within your mind & heart until your awareness flows with & absorbs into it to enter the second jhana.
Meditation Instructions.
Step 1: Spend more time deepening Meditative Joy & Tranquility:
Step 2: Develop access concentration on piti as in Marker 12.
Step 3: Absorb into piti for First Pleasure Jhana.
Step 4: Incline toward the joyful-happiness of sukha for Second Pleasure Jhana.
Step 5: Absorb into sukha for Second Pleasure Jhana.
Step 6: Pervade your body and mind with sukha.
Shifting between first & second jhana.
It is helpful to learn to move between the first and second jhana. To move back to First Pleasure Jhana, shift your attention back to the background piti and rest attention on it, until the piti grows, and takes the whole of your attention. You can then practice moving to the second jhana, in the same way as earlier, by shifting attention to the background experience of sukha.
You will notice a very distinct difference between these pleasure jhana by practising these transitions, in particular the obvious grossness of the first to the second, in terms of energy and seclusion. Like moving from the sounds of nature to a rock concert and back again, the first jhana will appear energetic, compared to the subtlety of the second. Start to experiment with this shift between foreground and background until you can make the piti less intense simply by calming the doing of vitakka.
In this way, you will learn to differentiate the two pleasure jhana and sustain attention within the second jhana for longer periods. Once you can sustain attention in the second pleasure jhana, learn to spread that feeling of joy and happiness until it fills your whole body, like draped in a clean light or cloth.
Sotapanna (Stream Entry) is the first of four mature insights leading to the experience of Nibbana that permanently uproots specific fetters (that which binds) from the mind. These fetters are the direct conditions for all Meditative Hindrances to arise. With Stream Entry, two fetters are removed & one hindrance is uprooted from the mind, two skillful perceptions of reality are developed, and one wholesome quality is established.
Creating the Conditions for Stream Entry from the Second Pleasure Jhana.
You can begin to create the conditions for Stream Entry from the Second Pleasure Jhana. This is done by being curious about the fading of the jhana factors and rearising of the engagement of your mind with your six sense fields as your mind emerges from jhana and you enter your day. This can be enhanced by precise investigations into anatta (autonomous nature) and idappaccayatā: Specific Conditionality included in Cultivation 06 on Sotapanna: Stream Entry.
Step 1: + Mindfulness, meditative joy, balanced effort, tranquility, & unification.
Step 2: + Curiosity.
Step 3: Loosen up your attention.
Progression Map for Mindfulness of Breathing
Meditative Hindrances. Meditation Markers.
01: Body Relaxation.
02: Mind Relaxation.
03: Mindful Presence.
04: Content Happiness.
05: Natural Breathing.
06: Length of Each Breath.
*** Markers 07-09: no longer needed. ***
10: Whole-Body Breathing.
11: Sustained Awareness.
12: Access Concentration.
13: First Pleasure Jhana.
14: Enchantment with Piti. → 14: Second Pleasure Jhana.
15: Enchantment with Sukha 15: Third Pleasure Jhana.
16: Enchantment with Happiness 16: Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
17: Enchantment with Self. 17: Sotapanna: Stream Entry.
18: Enchantment with Habit. 18: Sakadagami: Once Returner.
Progression Map for the Second Pleasure Jhana.
Whereas first pleasure jhana is defined by a gradual dropping away of all activity, second pleasure jhana is defined by a gradual dropping away of all doing.
From First to Second Pleasure Jhana.
Factors of the Second Pleasure Jhana.
You are ready to progress to Meditation Skill 15: Third Pleasure Jhana when:
“With the fading of joy & piti, equanimous, mindful, with clear comprehension, experiencing the pleasure of happiness within the body, they enter & dwell within the third jhana, of which the Noble Ones say: ‘Equanimous & mindful, they have a pleasant abiding’.” MN119 The Buddha.
Reference for Third Pleasure Jhana.
“Furthermore, with the fading of blissful feelings in body & mind, the meditator dwells equanimous, mindful & clearly comprehending, experiencing happiness in their body. In this way, they enter & dwell in the third jhana, of which Noble Ones say: One who is equanimous & mindful has a pleasant abiding.”
“They permeate and pervade, saturate and fill their body with happiness free from blissful feelings.” “Just as lotuses growing in a pond may stay immersed in the water without breaking the surface and still flourish, they are permeated and pervaded, saturated and filled with cool water from their roots to their tips so that no part of them is unpervaded by it.”
“In this way, a meditator permeates and pervades, saturates and fills their body with happiness free from blissful feelings, so that no part of their body is unpervaded by this happiness.”
“And as they remain heedful, ardent, and resolute, memories and resolves related to the household life are abandoned, and with their abandoning, their mind gathers and settles inwardly, grows unified and collected.” The Buddha Kaya-Gata Sati Sutta MN 119
Your meditation remains the same as Meditation Skill 14, except you now calm the bubbly happiness of heart in the Second Pleasure Jhana and rest awareness on the subtle feeling of happy-contentment in your heart's centre and lose interest in the uplifting feeling of joyfulness of mind until your awareness flows with and absorbs into the feeling of happy-contentment to enter the Third Pleasure Jhana.
Meditation Instructions.
Step 1: Spend more time deepening Contentment & Access Concentration.
Step 2: Develop the First Pleasure Jhana.
Step 3: Develop the Second Pleasure Jhana.
Step 4: Learn to separate sukha into Joyfulness & happiness.
Step 5: Rest awareness on the content-happiness, bringing it to the foreground.
Step 6: Allow your mind to absorb into the Third Pleasure Jhana.
A metaphor for this experience.
The energetic nature of joyfulness can be understood by observing the excitement of a child at Christmas. Both happiness of heart and the restless excitement of mind are happening simultaneously in the child. Though subtler than the blissful experience of piti, joyfulness of mind still contains some restlessness that needs to be removed to move to the experience of seclusion.
Step 6: Pervade your body and mind with happy-contentment.
Sotapanna (Stream Entry) is the first of four mature insights leading to the experience of Nibbana that permanently uproots specific fetters (that which binds) from the mind. These fetters are the direct conditions for all Meditative Hindrances to arise. With Stream Entry, two fetters are removed & one hindrance is uprooted from the mind, two skillful perceptions of reality are developed, and one wholesome quality is established.
Creating the Conditions for Stream Entry from the Third Pleasure Jhana.
You can begin to create the conditions for Stream Entry from the Third Pleasure Jhana. This is done by being curious about the fading of the jhana factors and rearising of the engagement of your mind with your six sense fields as your mind emerges from jhana and you enter your day. This can be enhanced by precise investigations into anatta (autonomous nature) and idappaccayatā: Specific Conditionality included in Cultivation 06 on Sotapanna: Stream Entry.
Step 1: + Mindfulness, balanced effort, tranquility, unification, & immature equanimity.
Step 2: + Curiosity.
Step 3: + Meditative Joy.
Step 4: Loosen up your attention.
Progression Map for Mindfulness of Breathing
Meditative Hindrances. Meditation Markers.
01: Body Relaxation.
02: Mind Relaxation.
03: Mindful Presence.
04: Content Happiness.
05: Natural Breathing.
06: Length of Each Breath.
*** Markers 07-09: no longer needed. ***
10: Whole-Body Breathing.
11: Sustained Awareness.
12: Access Concentration.
13: First Pleasure Jhana.
14: Second Pleasure Jhana.
15: Enchantment with Sukha → 15: Third Pleasure Jhana.
16: Enchantment with Happiness 16: Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
17: Enchantment with Self. 17: Sotapanna: Stream Entry.
18: Enchantment with Habit. 18: Sakadagami: Once Returner.
Progression Map for the Third Pleasure Jhana.
Whereas the Second Pleasure Jhana is defined by a gradual dropping away of all doing, the Third Pleasure Jhana is defined by an absence of movement and unmoving happy-contentment of the heart.
From Second to Third Pleasure Jhana.
Factors of the Third Pleasure Jhana.
You are ready to progress to the Meditation Skill 16: Fourth Pleasure Jhana when:
"Furthermore, with the abandoning of sukha & dukkha, as with the previous passing away of happiness & unhappiness, a meditator enters & dwells in the fourth jhana, which is neither pleasant nor unpleasant and contains mindfulness purified by equanimity.” MN 119 The Buddha
Reference for the Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
"Furthermore, with the abandoning of sukha & dukkha, as with the previous passing away of happiness & unhappiness, a meditator enters & dwells in the fourth jhana, which is neither pleasant nor unpleasant and contains mindfulness purified by equanimity.”
“They sit, pervading their body with pure, bright awareness.” “The same as if a man was sitting covered from head to foot with a white cloth so that no part of his body was untouched by this white cloth, a meditator sits, pervading their body with pure, bright awareness so that no part of their body is unpervaded by pure, bright awareness.”
“And as they remain heedful, ardent, and resolute, memories and resolves related to the household life are abandoned, and with their abandoning, their mind gathers and settles inwardly, grows unified and collected.” The Buddha Kaya-Gata Sati Sutta MN 119
Your meditation remains the same as Meditation Skill 15, except you now calm your minds interest in the pleasure of happy-contentment of the Third Pleasure Jhana and allow your awareness to rest in a neutral contentment, free from happiness, free pleasant or unpleasant feeling, until your awareness flows with and absorbs into an extremely quiet, serene stillness, with clear onlooking mindfulness and unmoving equanimity to enter the Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
Meditation Instructions.
Step 1: Simplify your life, refine morality and incline your mind toward the kusala.
Step 2: Spend more time deepening Access Concentration.
Step 3: In access concentration, refine piti-sukha to a feeling of happy-contentment.
Step 3: Create a subtle pleasant feeling for the First Pleasure Jhana.
Step 4: Use happy-contentment to access the First & Second Pleasure Jhana.
Step 5: Develop and abide in the happy-contentment of the Third Pleasure Jhana.
Step 6: Pervade your body and mind with happy-contentment.
Step 7: Develop the conditions for the Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
Step 8: Allow your mind to absorb into the Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
Step 9: Pervade your body and mindfulness with equanimity.
Sotapanna (Stream Entry) is the first of four mature insights leading to the experience of Nibbana that permanently uproots specific fetters (that which binds) from the mind. These fetters are the direct conditions for all Meditative Hindrances to arise. With Stream Entry, two fetters are removed & one hindrance is uprooted from the mind, two skillful perceptions of reality are developed, and one wholesome quality is established.
Creating the Conditions for Stream Entry from the Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
You can begin to create the conditions for Stream Entry from the Fourth Pleasure Jhana. This is done by being curious about the fading of the jhana factors and rearising of the engagement of your mind with your six sense fields as your mind emerges from jhana and you enter your day. This can be enhanced by precise investigations into anatta (autonomous nature) and idappaccayatā: Specific Conditionality included in Cultivation 06 on Sotapanna: Stream Entry.
Step 1: + Mindfulness, balanced effort, tranquility, unification, & equanimity.
Step 2: + Curiosity.
Step 3: + Meditative Joy.
Step 4: Loosen up your attention.
Progression Map for Mindfulness of Breathing
Meditative Hindrances. Meditation Markers.
01: Body Relaxation.
02: Mind Relaxation.
03: Mindful Presence.
04: Content Happiness.
05: Natural Breathing.
06: Length of Each Breath.
*** Markers 07-09: no longer needed. ***
10: Whole-Body Breathing.
11: Sustained Awareness.
12: Access Concentration.
13: First Pleasure Jhana.
14: Second Pleasure Jhana.
15: Third Pleasure Jhana.
16: Enchantment with Happiness →16: Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
17: Enchantment with Self. 17: Sotapanna: Stream Entry.
18: Enchantment with Habit. 18: Sakadagami: Once Returner.
Progression Map for the Fourth Pleasure Jhana.
Whereas Third Pleasure Jhana is defined by an absence of movement, the Fourth Pleasure Jhana is defined by the unchanging seclusion of unmoving equanimity and mindfulness.
You are ready to progress to the training for Sakadagami: Once Returner when:
Sotapanna: Stream Entry Insight is a complex insight your mind needs to process. I recommend not rushing to diagnose yourself as having reached Stream Entry and allowing your mind to process this insight. The above link will take you to a section that lists the changes in a MIDL insight meditator's mind after this insight. These changes will continue to deepen for many years to come. If you have contact with a teacher, there are also practices you can train, and if the conditions for your samadhi are stable, you can access the fruit of this insight.
After Stream Entry Insight, I was advised by my teacher to wait 15 years, and then I would honestly know. Due to delusion, our mind can delude us about anything. It can create any experience that is possible to be had within this world and interpret any experience in any way that it wants. One truth you will understand with Stream Entry is that you live in Samasara, a place of specifically conditioned suffering. As such, life will eventually give you a hard time and test you. This is guaranteed.
If you take the position of "I don't know" and then return to weakening the hindrances, cultivating the wholesome and developing insight into anatta and specific conditionality, then you can't go wrong. If it was Stream Entry, your mind will become hypersensitive to tendencies of attraction and aversion, and you will never experience doubt regarding the path. If it was not Stream Entry, then you will not be wasting your time in delusion, will not delude others, and the path of calm, insight and harmonising will continue to unfold, and one day, you will experience Stream Entry.
10 Day Online MIDL Insight Meditation Retreat
April 11-21, 2025.
Join the MIDL Community and MIDL teachers Stephen Procter, Monica Heiser, and Krister Trangius in a 10-day online MIDL Insight Meditation Retreat hosted on zoom.
This is a community event that you can join as: